Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heidi's Hobby

I'm not sure where the craftyness came from ....but it started slow with a bit of knitting and has now become a full on addiction with mostly knitting but has grown to include some very novice sewing projects over the past 6 months. I've always got a project on the go and so I thought it was about time I starting blogging - to share my creations with friends and family but also to help me keep track of what I do and learn from my lessons.

My fiance says people like to make things with their hands because having a tangible product is very rewarding and I couldn't agree more. When I finish a new knitting pattern, the sense of accomplishment is so huge, and I think about it for days with a huge grin across my face - and if you know me, you've probably heard me share with excitement when I've finished a new pattern. Or, as some family knows, I'll likely show up to Thanksgiving dinner with a finished project, eager to show off what I've made!

I've been trying to think about where this all started...I learned to knit from my grandma when I was a kid - actually I think both of my grandmothers tried to teach me at some time - but was not hugely interested in it. In grade 3 my class did a project where each student knit a square and we made a blanket. I still wasn't hooked. Then, in 4th year university I was on a shopping adventure at Lens Mill store in Guelph and they had a scarf on display that I needed. So I bought the supplies and started knitting with the basic skills I could remember and taught myself the rest from the internet. Knitting for me is therapeutic, relaxing and has resulted in many loved filled gifts. Sewing has evolved over the past little bit, and is totally novice but I am a sucker for the quicker results it gets me as compared to knitting.

I love crafting...I love the creative outlet it provides....I love dreaming up the next gift I can make someone....and most of all I love watching myself learn. So I hope you'll enjoy joining me in this adventure and I look forward to your thoughts and feedback on my projects.

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