Monday, November 7, 2011

Jersey Knit Bracelet

Finally - a project that is NOT a baby blanket. Although I did work on a couple more blankets this weekend,  I though it was time for something different. I have a few new favourite blogs I follow recently, and for crafts I am just in love with V and Co. I just love her ideas, and can promise this won't be the only thing you seem me make from her site!

Following her tutorial, I made a few of these Jersey Knit Bracelets this weekend.
These are not the best photos, but you'll get the idea.

I used some of the t-shirts I had leftover from my t-shirt necklaces.

Not sure I'll wear these any time soon as I think a chunky bracelet like this is more suited for summer....but I had a lot of fun trying it out :) 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blankets with Baby's Initials!

Well, people warned when I started this blog that it might be hard to keep up with when the excitment wore off...but the reality is that other things have occupied my time lately, and I just haven't beend doing as much crafting as I might like. However, I did find some time this fall to catch up on all the 2011 babies I hadn't had a chance to make anything for yet...and with that came the innovation of baby blankets with initials! Inspired by my friend Ian's twins I tried this out...and loved it. It is the same as other baby blanket variations you've seen on here (the taggy or rag edge blanky) except with the lil' babe's initials!

 Here are some of my more recent ones:

I hope to be back soon with some of my cooking adventures...stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crafts in Action: Camden SwamiNathan

I am long overdue on an update...and have been making lots of cute baby blankets lately - finally catching up to all the 2011 babies! Here's a sneak peak of a recent one - Camden SwamiNathan!