Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Banner

Inspired by this posting I had to make one of these.

A few of my modifications: 
- letters on an angle - I thought this would be more forgiving of my imperfections AND look fun!
- I sewed the letters on before sewing the triangles together (no need to worry about colour of bobbin seemed easier to me!)
- I did a balloon in the middle instead of a cupcake, which I may regret now as I think it looks like a wierd dot in this one. We'll see - I may still have to modify this one as I'm not thrilled with that.

This one is for Amy (Krya's mom for all you followers). With 2 kids and a love for decorating, I know she'll put it to great use!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kyra's Tutu

Any avid followers of my blog may remember this post about the hat I made for baby Kyra when she was born in September.

And before we move on to the latest craft for Kyra - it's worth seeing how absolutely adorable she is in that hat!!

Amy told me she wanted to make Kyra a tutu and we planned a sleepover craft night to get the job done! Amy & her husband are alumni of Wilfred Laurier University and have the most school spirit of anyone I know - they even had a purple & gold wedding to show their pride! So we of course had to make Kyra a purple and gold tutu.

Using this easy to follow tutorial we were able to make the tutu in about 15 minutes :)

For once I was not doing crafts alone so Amy could get an action shot - proof that I really do all these crafts :)

It was bedtime for Kyra so we could not try the tutu on right away but I think she sure thought it was fun to play with.

And Amy got some incredible photos the following day - what an adorable baby!!

Thanks Amy for a great craft night - we also did some great crafting for my wedding...but that will have to stay secret a bit longer ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Boom 2011

February 21 is Family Day here in Ontario...and I thought what better way to spend the day than preparing gifts for my friends and family with growing families this year! I made a list a few weeks ago and I think I know about 15 people who will be having babies in 2011 - what an unbelievable number! So, I hunkered down and spent most of the day sewing.
This cute monkey blanket is my final craft for "Pay it Forward 2011" (post about this to come soon) - so it is going to a friend of a friend. I just love the monkey fabric.

These fuzzy ones are going to my fiance's cousin in Edmonton, AB who just had twins yesterday! As I was about to start sewing the news came that the babies had arrived quickly and safely - it was clearly meant to be for me to sew these for them!

I made a few taggy blankets - not sure who these are for yet!

Overall, a great day of sewing. And my yoga pants had the fluff to prove I'd spent the day handling lots of flannel :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Yoga Mat Bag

I bought this Ikea Duvet at Value Village almost a year ago because I just love how colourful and cute it was. I have been savouring it for the perfect project and this weekend the idea came to me! I've been really wanting a mat for my yoga mat. I don't go to yoga often - in fact I've never been to a yoga class. But I do go to Goodlife's version of Yoga - "Bodyflow". I have been wanting to take my own mat but just couldn't get motivated to carry it without a bag. I read an article in a magazine in January about how germ infested the gym's yoga mats are...and that really got my more motivated to get a bag.

I used this tutorial but it is not a very beginner-friendly tutorial so strayed from the instructions as I went. I added a button hole for the drawstring (my first buttonhole!).

I did not end up using a round piece of fabric for the base - I just sewed it up because I tested it out and the mat still fit fine. I had the fabric cut but sewing it seemed like more of a hassle than it was worth.

I also sewed the strap into the seam - I cannot tell from that tutorial how it is attached, but this seemed the most logical to me - And I just stitched back and forth multiple times to reinforce the seam.

I am just loving how cute it all turned out - I can't wait to go to class and use it!