Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The most special craft

My maternal grandmother - ("Gummy") passed away 4 years ago this week...making this one of the most special and unexpected crafts I could have done. You can bet I won't be giving this one away as a gift!

Over Easter, I was going through my mom's yarn stash looking for a specific colour for a small project. I didn't find the colour I wanted, but instead found something so much better...squares my Gummy had knit before she passed away. It was a project my mom had her doing to keep her hands and mind busy - and there was just enough to put together into a little baby blanket. Over the past two weeks I have crocheted these pieces together and here is the final product:

I wish everyone could have known this wonderful woman...definitely top of my books as the most kind, caring and generous person. Here is Gummy and I back in 2003.