Thursday, January 13, 2011

T-shirt Necklaces

I have been meaning to do this craft for a while, and finally got organized to do it this week. I saw an article in Whole Living Magazine about a year ago and think this is a fun way to recycle a t-shirt. Using this tutorial I made the following necklaces. 

These are all going to various people as part of my "Pay it Forward 2011" crafting effort (which I hope to post about once all the crafts are completed).  I must confess, I love the purple one and may keep it for myself!

A few logistics for those of you who want to try this craft out - The tutorial is very easy to follow so you will get all the info you need on the link I've given. But, I wanted to mention that a rotary cutter is not necessary - I have a rotary cutter and yet found scissors easier to use. This is a forgiving craft, and if you do not cut straight lines, it won't matter in the end. Also, if you're purchasing t-shirts at a second hand store (that's what I did) for this craft, I'd suggest looking for shirts that do not have a seam on the sides - they may be a bit harder to find but if you do search them out, it will make it even easier to make this necklace. However, if you get a t-shirt with seams (or want to use an old t-shirt of your own that has seams) just make sure the seams get gathered together as Martha mentions in her video, can you can hide them with the piece of shirt you use to hold the whole necklace together.

Happy Crafting! 

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